Vacation time, a chance to write, or is that wrong?
The long winter is finally over (or ending, depending on where you are), and many people are planning or already going on vacation. Sun seekers from all around the world congregate in favorite locations to socialize, relax, reconnect with their families, and build memories to last through the next fifty weeks, if not a lifetime.
The question for writers becomes: Should I write while on vacation? Exotic locales can help the author stimulate creativity, suggest plots, unveil fantastic settings, observe great characters for sketches, and get to a shared place with the likes of Hemingway and Anais Nin. In other words, a writer's dream, nay, euphoric fantasy.
However, most authors are on vacation with their families. Those same long suffering loved ones who put up with burned dinners, one-sided conversations, and long rambling discussions about your characters or plot with ridiculous questions that can't be answered (what would you do if you were on the moon and an alien was...). Your spouse, children, parents, grand-children and/or grand-parents are the ones who've waited a long lonely year to regain your attention and be loved and appreciated. They know you're a wonderful person, they just haven't seen much of you lately.
So do you write, or is that wrong?
I don't know. I'm asking you. Really, what would you do?
As for me, I spend time with my family and leave the writing until I get home. I may not have the immediacy, the immersion into the fantasy of world travel, but I write down what I remember when I get home. If I have a brilliant idea while traveling, I'll take no more than fifteen minutes to jot the idea down in a notebook, otherwise every minute of vacation time belongs to the people I love.
I'm not saying that's the way to become a successful writer, but I know it's the way to build and strengthen a happy family. Although I will admit to a small part of me wishing I could be two people, the one unattached and able to revel in the writing possibilities that arise when away from home, I'm much happier being part of a supportive, understanding family who deserve the best of me while on vacation.
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